Monday 23 April 2007

Quite boring...

Well, now that April's frenzy has slowed down finally, life is..for lack of a better word, boring. The weather is hot, which is killer on me, and my car's engine. I was at my cousins bday yesterday, and was almost killed by him, a 3 year-old wielding a giant plastic Pirates of the Carribean sword. I fought back.. And won, by tickling.
(see im not heartless)

What else...what else... Oh ya, Woodbridge Mysterious, my partner is past me in Super Paper Mario, which means.. I have to play more..>.< I just picked up DOA:U1 & U2 for X-box. I love fighter games.... speaking of X-Box, I also got Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Great game, but hard for me, I'm used to MGS, where I run in, kill everyone and get out...big change in game style..

So ya.. I guess thats really it today.. hit us up at HTTP:// if you ever need any advice or help or anything.

Today, I leave off with this.
Hot weather bad.
Hot chicks with big breasts in fighting games, GOOD...:)

Friday 20 April 2007

Glorification of a murderer

Well, now that the V-tech thing is coming to a close, the media continues to swarm the campus. I suggest everyone go here, and sign the petition. That petition will get the media locust swarm away from the campus, so these kids and teachers can go on with their lives.

Now that thats out of the way, onto todays topic. The media is giving this murdering r-tard, too much press. Yes, he killed a bunch of people, and yes, I feel for the family and friends, but this idiot does not deserve to be ont he front cover of newspapers and ALL over the tv. Just because he sent a 'manifesto' or w/e to the news studios, that makes what happened old news, and he becomes the new cover story? What about the 32 people, that are dead BECAUSE of him? Huh?

This is all the families need. I'm sure some of them are burying their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and/or friends. And now, they have to look at the murderer everywhere they turn. The media has to calm down, back off, and really think of what they are doing. You know, furthering the damage caused by this incident.

So today, I leave you with this. Hopefully, this being the end of my V-tech rantings and ravings.

Media=bad. Too much media= Mentally Harmful

Thursday 19 April 2007

Update on Pyscho Killer

Well it seems we have updates now. The kid who killed all the people at V-Tech, sent out a package, between the first shootings, and the larger shooting. It contained video, and pictures of himself, saying why he did it. That the rich kids had too much, and had to have more, and crap like they 'torched his soul' and wierd emo stuff like that.

In 2005 when he was recommended for counsling, a judge found him mentally incapable of takign care of himself. However, the doctor he was made to see, decided out-patient treatment was the best course of action. Wrong.

Now, when you are deemed mentally ill, it goes on your permanant record. Your gov't file, if you will. HOWEVER, some one didn't put it on there, a case of a 'dropped ball' and it was never filed as it should have been. Whether or not he checked the box on the gun purchase form, that says "I have been commited to a mental hospital or determained to be mentally ill," His FBI form should have said that, but it didn't. Because of that, he was given guns, that he used to murder 32 innocent people. So when he went to go buy the two weapons he used, it SHOULD have popped up that he was mentally ill, and he should not have been sold the guns, however he was. Way to go Virgina Court Systems.

I sense, a huge lawsuit against the state of Virgina. Anyone else?

So today, I leave you with this. Next time you're dealing with mentally incapable people, make sure you double check your work. That one mistake could cost lives.

Wednesday 18 April 2007

V-Tech Shooting and Don Imus

This being my first post, I shall say that who ever knows who I am, keep it secret. Life is more fun that way. And if someone does tell everyone who I am, I'll knife you in your sleep...Moving on. ~~~~~~~~~~

This V-Tech(sorry Honda owners, not you) shooting is a case of mental illness, psych-problems, and depression. NOT video games and desensatized youth.

If you read(if you CAN) the paper or look at, you'll see and hopefully learn, that this kid had a few screws loose. He stalked girls, wrote disturbing stories in his creative writing class, despised the rich kids(who doesn't), and was recommened for counseling. His roomates told the news, that they would come back, and find him staring at walls. He rarly spoke, and when he did, it was about his imaginary gf, who was a supermodel named Jelly. His nickname, that his 'gf' gave him, was Spanky. See anything wrong with this kid yet?

The bomb threats, which came earlier in the week, were also linked to this kid.
Now that that point is across the table, lets move to point #2. Video games and "desnsitized youth."

As a gamer myself, and friend to many, I know what virtual violence and stuff like that does. Just because I go on a 5 hour rampage in GTA, doesn't make me want to go out and steal cars, rape prostitutes, and kill people. Because I play Need for Speed, or Inital D, doesn't make me want to go do 95 down some backroad, and drift corners at 70mph+. I know people who spend hours playing Halo, and Counter Strike, you don't see them lobbing grenades into hallways. Also, the statement, "shooting games teach you how to shoot", is bullshite. Killing zombies in House of the Dead, is not like firing off a Baretta, or anyother handgun. There is no recoil, a plastic gun weighs far less than a real one, and the sound, feel, smell, and sight is far much different, than pulling a plastic trigger to kill some evil demon dog creature.

People who do stuff like that, killing, robbing, etc, should NOT be playing video games. They shouldn't even be members of society.When you don't have the mental capacity, to determine fact and fantasy, there is something wrong, that needs to be fixed, and quickly.

While I'm on a rant, lets hit up Mr. Imus too. I'm gonna go over this one quickly, because it's getting old. Mr. Imus should not have been fired. What he said what stupid, yes, but other radio stations don't do the same? Ever listen to Hot 97? They rag on white people all the time. He aploigized, end of story. It should not have gone as far as it did. As O&A said, two guys who knows the rules of radio, saying what he said, is not an offense against the F.C.C. rules and regulations. It was just stupid, and stupidity isn't an offense.

To come to a close, I leave you with this. Being stupid isn't illegal, but letting mentally problamtic people have guns, and stay in society should be.


Woodbridge Unknown